On the left I was at my highest weight and on the right the photo was taken Jan 2019, down 50 pounds and still maintaining.

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My Story:

Here is my before and after picture. I was hesitant to put this picture up on my website because I didn’t like taking full body pictures of myself. No matter what I did or how hard I exercised I was not getting any skinnier. In fact, I just kept gaining weight. Over many years I have tried fad diets and even paid a lot of money for exercising programs that came with meal plans. Sure I would lose 10 to 20 pounds and start to feel great but I also felt deprived and was always hungry. I was told I should eat every 2 hours, small meals, and exercise doing high intensity workouts (HIT) at a minimum of 5 days per week in order to lose weight. But I was exhausted, sore and hungry. Since I felt hungry I would cave and eat high carbs just to satisfy my cravings. Believe me, I loved bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and chips so of course I would regain my weight plus more then feel absolutely terrible about myself. I was your typical yo-yo dieter.

Around 2019 I found NSNG, no sugar no grain, way of eating and since then I have lost a total of 55 pounds, have a lot of energy, feel amazing and no longer have cravings. Yes I have more weight to lose however, I never feel as if I am on a diet or deprived. In fact, I feel satisfied, accomplished and proud of my progress. Occasionally I will enjoy foods with minimal sugar and/or grains but I bounce right back to my NSNG without feeling guilty.

Over the past few years I have found a new love for home cooking so I will post my recipes and share my progress so that I can inspire others.

Update: After the pandemic in 2020 I gained ALL my weight back and have struggled these past 2 years to get back on track. Not too long ago I got the Covid-19 Virus and felt miserable. I was so upset with myself that I let myself gain this weight and was considered high risk. I immediately cut out all sugar and grains and it took about 2 weeks to get over the illness. I realize that I need to get back on track and never go back. I am not claiming that eliminating sugar and grains is what cured me from the virus but I felt better once the inflammation was reduced. I still have a long way to go but I am back and will begin to repost recipes for those that are interested.

Also, to help me cope with my bad habits and redirecting me to a healthy habit I recently started a Candle business. I fell in love with making scented candles and now I am also having a blast making exfoliating body scrubs. Both my candles and scrubs are 100% hand made and are absolutely adorable. Check out my candle and scrub page on my website. Not only am I going to lose this weight I also want to take care of myself by eating the right foods.

We only live once and I want to live my best life inflammation free…