
Meet Victoria and Angela. Victoria, my daughter is on the left and I am on the right. Victoria and I enjoy cooking at home. Victoria is a full time student and I am a mother of 2, married for 23 years and work full time. Both Victoria and I enjoy home cooked meals oppose to eating out. I hope you enjoy our food blog.

Hi my name is Angela and I am a food blogger and candle maker. My daughter, Victoria and I decided to showcase my home cooked meals after changing our mindset and eating habits to a no sugar no grain aka NSNG way of eating. I was inspired by the founder of NSNG, Vinnie Tortorich and co-host Anna Vocino from the podcast “Fitness Confidential” to change my way of eating to real food. I am a strong believer that by eating real food you can lose weight, maintain your weight and have a healthy body. I have lost a total of 50 pounds just by eating real food. I am on a journey to better myself and others. Click here on “My Storyto see a before and after picture of how food has changed my life. My long-term goal is to live a long and healthy life. I hope my recipes and story will inspire others to reach their goal and become a healthier version of yourself just as I did.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
— Hippocrates

Check out my hand poured scented candles and handmade exfoliating body scrubs